Terms and Conditions for Submitting a Proposal

By submitting a proposal, you agree to the following terms if your proposal is accepted by the IAPD/IPRA Conference Program Committees:

  • I/we understand that educational workshops/sessions are learning areas and therefore commercial free zones. Direct promotion of products and services is not appropriate and is not allowed.
  • I/we understand the IAPD/IPRA Conference Program Committees reserve the right to move proposals across disciplines if deemed appropriate for the conference program.
  • IAPD/IPRA Conference Program Committees reserve the right to edit the workshop/session title, and abstract as needed for format or clarity. 
  • IAPD/IPRA will not be responsible for any errors in the conference program books resulting from errors or omissions contained in the information submitted by presenters. Please be sure to proofread your proposal and double-check spelling and grammar prior to finalizing your submission. Submit all information exactly as you wish for it to appear in the conference programs
  • IAPD/IPRA members, exhibitors and those working in the field of parks and recreation are not eligible to receive an honorarium, expense reimbursement, complimentary registration, hotel room or parking.

If you agree to these Terms and Conditions, refer to the previous page in your browser, check the box to accept, and finish creating your account.